Design Explorations

Big in Japan

12/04/2019 By HC

Japanese cherry blossom season text and branch

Greetings. As an iconic feature of Japan’s landscapes and at the heart and soul of Japanese culture, Cherry blossom season is coveted and celebrated as a national festival spanning across three months. Cherry blossoms’ breathtaking presence are indeed short lived and that is why they are so symbolic – they represent the transient nature of life. As part of Japan’s sacred heritage, to view upon the trees in the festival is known as Hanami. The time itself is known as Sakura. It is celebrated night and day.

“The uniqueness of the Hanami experience is rooted in the beholding of the blossoms as you consider their short life, their beauty and delicate nature, and the fellowship of others.” – Jeffrey Miller, Director of Education and Family Programs at the Japan Society

With an estimated 300,000 Sakura trees in blossom this time truly heralds in Spring each year. The cherry blossom acts as a cultural symbol of renewal, hope and the unspoken promises of existence.

Good to know

Sakura-fubuki 桜吹雪 means cherry blossom snowstorm, Hana-no-ami 花の雨 means flower rain

Current forecast as of today (April 12th)

Est. Opening Est. Best Viewing Current State
Tokyo Opened: March 21 March 28 to April 8
past peak
Kyoto Opened: March 27 April 5 to 10
past peak
Osaka Opened: March 27 April 4 to 10
past peak
Nagoya Opened: March 22 March 31 to April 9
past peak
Fukuoka Opened: March 21 March 29 to April 8
past peak
Fukushima Opened: April 5 April 11 to 19
best viewing
Sendai Opened: April 5 April 11 to 19
best viewing
Kitakami April 19 April 23 to 30
not open yet
Kakunodate April 24 April 27 to May 6
not open yet
Hirosaki April 22 April 26 to May 4
not open yet
Hakodate April 28 May 1 to 8
not open yet
Sapporo May 1 May 3 to 10
not open yet




Tokyo Opened: March 21 March 28 to April 8
past peak
Nagoya Opened: March 22 March 31 to April 9
past peak
Yokohama Opened: March 21 March 29 to April 9
past peak
Kanazawa Opened: April 1 April 7 to 13
best viewing
Takayama April 17 April 21 to 29
not open yet
Fuji Five Lakes Opened: April 7 April 14 to 22
blossoms opening
Matsumoto Opened: April 7 April 14 to 22
blossoms opening


Fukuoka Opened: March 21 March 29 to April 8
past peak
Kumamoto Opened: March 26 March 30 to April 8
past peak
Hiroshima Opened: March 22 March 30 to April 9
past peak
Matsuyama Opened: March 22 March 30 to April 9
past peak
Takamatsu Opened: March 26 April 4 to 10

past peak

macro close up of Japanese cherry blossom

Enjoy your local blossom!

For this blog we photographed Cherry blossoms native to the Cotswolds

© Hendy Curzon Gardens 2019

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