In Colour


25/08/2022 By HC

Happy Friday & Bank Holiday weekend! Have a good one.

White anemones with black centres

Inspiration from our studio as we are deep in design mode. This palette is speaking to us for two projects – one in Kingham and one in Cambridge. To see some more of our designs and projects in development click here for in the works.

White metal garden table and chair

Close up of frilly white tulip in spring garden

Blue garden furniture woven

White gourd inside small stone urn

Buxus ball by gates in the snow

autumn wreath through Oxford front door

Candle on distressed pillar surrounded by Autumnal leaves on Oxford mantlepiece

Gourds and pumpkins in green, white and grey

a Cornwall house painted white with grey windows and green topiary plants

impressive Padstow coastal house with Buxus balls

farrow and ball downpipe bathroom by Adrienne curzon

White tulips growing in Spring at Oxfordshire garden


Until next time

All images and ingredients here © Hendy Curzon as always